- The Selling Process -Moving on to the Next Chapter - GET -IN TOUCH Seller Intake Form 0% 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 % How was your experience? GoodBadNeutral Experience Please Select Property Type LandRural ResidentialFarmetteLuxury EstatePrivate Horse PropertyProfessional Horse Property Next Exterior Type WoodLogCedarVinyl SidingAluminum SidingBrick / StoneOther Basement Type SlabCrawlCellarBasement Is the Basement Finished ? Fully FinishedPartially FinishedNot finished Is there an Attic? YesNo In a Trust or Corporation? YesNo Do you have a mortgage on the property? YesNo Do you have a 2nd mortgage on the property? YesNo Are your Real Estate Taxes paid up to date? YesNo Are there other liens? YesNo Do you have a Real Estate Attorney? YesNo Do you need Real Estate Attorney recommendation? YesNo Prev Next Water Feature? PondLakeCreekRiver Flood Plain YesNo Is Flood Insurance Required? YesNo Is tillable land farmed by someone else? Cash RentShare Crop Tillable Land Agreement Type WrittenVerbal Paddocks 12345678910 Pastures 123456 Outdoor arena? YesNo Is the Property being split from a larger parcel? YesNo Has it been Surveyed? YesNo New legal description? YesNo New PIN established? YesNo Generator Do have a generator? YesNo Grain Bin How many grain bins onsite? None123456 Any dryers? YesNo Any stirrers? YesNo Maps Aerial photos showing property outline? YesNo Provide a copy of Flood Maps? YesNo Provide a copy of Soil Maps? YesNo Other Prev Next Sometimes it’s “Assumed” that certain personal items are included with the real estate or not. We want to make sure this is all very clear from the start, so please take some time and think about this. Appliances & Other Roof OriginalReplaced Refrigerator OriginalReplaced Stove OriginalReplaced Oven OriginalReplaced Dish Washer NoneOriginalReplaced Water Heater OriginalReplaced Pressure Tank NoneOriginalReplaced Water Softener NoneOriginalReplaced Furnace (Unit #1) OriginalReplaced A/C (Unit #1) NoneOriginalReplaced Washer NoneOriginalReplaced Dryer NoneOriginalReplaced Utilities & Other Prev Next How many outbuildings None1234 Outbuilding #1 Outbuilding Type Pole BuildingHorse BarnCorn CribDairy BarnMachine ShedWorkshopDog KennelIndoor ArenaChicken Coop Flooring GravelDirtLimeSandAsphaltCementHeated Cement Water YesNo Electric YesNo Finished Inside YesNo Insulated YesNo Heated YesNo Living Space NoneOfficeApartmentOther Kitchen YesNo Bath NoneHalfFull Bedrooms None1234 Stalls None12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Over 25 Matted YesNo Auto Waterers YesNo Viewing Room YesNo Laundry YesNo Fly Spray System YesNo Dust Suppression YesNo Wash Rack YesNo Fans YesNo Lights YesNo Outbuilding #2 Outbuilding Type Pole BuildingHorse BarnCorn CribDairy BarnMachine ShedWorkshopDog KennelIndoor ArenaChicken Coop Flooring GravelDirtLimeSandAsphaltCementHeated Cement Water YesNo Electric YesNo Finished Inside YesNo Insulated YesNo Heated YesNo Living Space NoneOfficeApartmentOther Kitchen YesNo Bath NoneHalfFull Bedrooms None1234 Stalls None12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Over 25 Matted YesNo Auto Waterers YesNo Viewing Room YesNo Laundry YesNo Fly Spray System YesNo Dust Suppression YesNo Wash Rack YesNo Fans YesNo Lights YesNo Outbuilding #3 Outbuilding Type Pole BuildingHorse BarnCorn CribDairy BarnMachine ShedWorkshopDog KennelIndoor ArenaChicken Coop Flooring GravelDirtLimeSandAsphaltCementHeated Cement Water YesNo Electric YesNo Finished Inside YesNo Insulated YesNo Heated YesNo Living Space NoneOfficeApartmentOther Kitchen YesNo Bath NoneHalfFull Bedrooms None1234 Stalls None12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Over 25 Matted YesNo Auto Waterers YesNo Viewing Room YesNo Laundry YesNo Fly Spray System YesNo Dust Suppression YesNo Wash Rack YesNo Fans YesNo Lights YesNo Outbuilding #4 Outbuilding Type Pole BuildingHorse BarnCorn CribDairy BarnMachine ShedWorkshopDog KennelIndoor ArenaChicken Coop Flooring GravelDirtLimeSandAsphaltCementHeated Cement Water YesNo Electric YesNo Finished Inside YesNo Insulated YesNo Heated YesNo Living Space NoneOfficeApartmentOther Bedrooms None1234 Kitchen YesNo Bath NoneHalfFull Stalls None12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Over 25 Matted YesNo Auto Waterers YesNo Viewing Room YesNo Laundry YesNo Fly Spray System YesNo Dust Suppression YesNo Wash Rack YesNo Fans YesNo Lights YesNo 8 + 15 = Submit